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Creating a schema

In Infrahub, schemas play a crucial role in defining the structure and relationships of your data. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a new schema file, we will do this using the following steps:

  1. Adding nodes and attributes
  2. Adding relationships to the nodes
  3. Abstracting nodes into generics
  4. Improving our schema by modifying attributes and adding new attributes

In this guide we will create a schema for a network device and its interfaces.

By no mean this is meant to be a complete schema for a network device, there is far more complexity that goes into modeling a schema for a network device, it is just used as an example to guide you through the process.

For a more detailed explanation of the different Attributes and Relations, you can check out our Schema Topic.

Throughout this guide we will load different schemas into Infrahub into different branches. The fact that multiple schemas can exist simultaneously is a core feature of Infrahub. It is a recommendation and best practice to always use a branch to make changes to the schema.


To help with the development process of a schema definition file, you can leverage schema validation within your editor.

1. Adding nodes and attributes

Create a file named schema_guide.yml on your computer. The place where you create the file on the file system is not that important, as long as you know the path to the file. For this guide we will be storing the schema file in the /tmp directory.

In the file we will be creating 2 kinds of nodes in the Network namespace:

  • device: the network device we want to model
  • interface: the network interface we want to model

The NetworkDevice node will have the following attributes:

  • hostname: the hostname of the device, needs to be unique and is a required attribute
  • model (Text): the model of the device, which is a required attribute

The NetworkInterface node will have the following attributes:

  • name (Text): the name of the interface, which is a required attribute
  • description (Text): a description for the interface, which is a required attribute

We define a default_filter on the hostname attribute of the NetworkDevice. This way we can use the hostname as an alternative for the id in the queries and mutations in this guide.

version: "1.0"
- name: Device
namespace: Network
default_filter: hostname__value
- name: hostname
kind: Text
unique: true
- name: model
kind: Text
- name: Interface
namespace: Network
- name: name
kind: Text
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true

Create a branch network-device-schema in Infrahub

infrahubctl branch create network-device-schema

Load the schema into Infrahub in the network-device-schema branch

infrahubctl schema load --branch network-device-schema /tmp/schema_guide.yml

We can inspect the schema in the Web UI (Unified Storage > Schema)

We'll create a device and an interface according to the schema, by executing the following GraphQL query

mutation {
NetworkDeviceCreate(data: {hostname: {value: "atl1-edge1"}, model: {value: "Cisco ASR1002-HX"}}) {
object {
NetworkInterfaceCreate(data: {name: {value: "Ethernet1"}, description: {value: "WAN interface"}}) {
object {

We have now successfully created our first schema, loaded into a branch into Infrahub, created the first nodes and merged the changes into the main branch of Infrahub.

2. Adding relationships to the nodes

The next thing we want to do is adding relationships to our schema. We first created device and interface nodes, but we didn't create any relation between them. They are 2 independent nodes within our schema.

We will be adding 2 relationships to the schema:

  1. device > interface, a relation interfaces from the device node to the interface node, of cardinality many and kind Component
  2. interface > device, a relation device from the interface node to device node of cardinality one and kind Parent

Overwrite the schema_guide.yml with the following contents:

version: "1.0"
- name: Device
namespace: Network
default_filter: hostname__value
- name: hostname
kind: Text
unique: true
- name: model
kind: Text
- name: interfaces
cardinality: many
peer: NetworkInterface
kind: Component
- name: Interface
namespace: Network
- name: name
kind: Text
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: device
cardinality: one
peer: NetworkDevice
optional: false
kind: Parent

Create a new branch to load the new version of our schema

infrahubctl branch create network-device-relations

Load the schema in the branch

infrahubctl schema load --branch network-device-relations /tmp/schema_guide.yml

We can inspect the schema in the Web UI

Use this GraphQL mutations to create a NetworkInterface Ethernet1, a NetworkDevice atl1-edge1.

mutation {
NetworkDeviceCreate(data: {hostname: {value: "atl1-edge1"}, model: {value: "Cisco ASR1002-HX"}}) {
object {
NetworkInterfaceCreate(data: {name: {value: "Ethernet1"}, description: {value: "WAN interface"}, device: {id: "atl1-edge1"} }) {
object {

In the Web UI we can now see that the device has a relation to the Ethernet1 interface.

3. Abstracting nodes into generics

We would like to add another interface Vlan1 to our device atl1-edge1. We could simply add the interface as a NetworkInterface node, however this could cause some problems. The Vlan1 interface is a logical interface, Ethernet1 on the other hand is a physical interface. While physical interfaces a lot of properties in common with logical interfaces, they also have their differences. A cable can be plugged into a Physical interface, which you cannot do on a logical interface.

This is a perfect case for us to abstract common attributes/relationships into a generic.

We will modify the schema:

  • Implement a generic NetworkInterface that gathers the common attributes and relationships
  • Define a NetworkPhysicalInterface node
  • Define a NetworkLogicalInterface node

The interfaces relationships on a device does not need to be modified. A relationship can point to a generic node as the peer of the relation. This allows us to add relations to both a NetworkPhysicalInterface node and NetworkLogicalInterface.

Overwrite the schema_guide.yml file with the following contents:

version: "1.0"
- name: Interface
namespace: Network
- name: name
kind: Text
- name: description
kind: Text
optional: true
- name: device
cardinality: one
peer: NetworkDevice
kind: Parent
optional: false
- name: Device
namespace: Network
default_filter: hostname__value
- name: hostname
kind: Text
unique: true
- name: model
kind: Text
- name: interfaces
cardinality: many
peer: NetworkInterface
kind: Component
- name: PhysicalInterface
namespace: Network
- NetworkInterface
- name: speed
kind: Number
- name: LogicalInterface
namespace: Network
- NetworkInterface

Create a new branch to load the new version of our schema

infrahubctl branch create network-device-generics

Load the schema in the branch

infrahubctl schema load --branch network-device-generics /tmp/schema_guide.yml

We can inspect the schema in the Web UI

Use this GraphQL mutation to create a NetworkPhysicalInterface Ethernet1, NetworkLogicalInterface Vlan1 and a NetworkDevice atl1-edge1.

mutation {
NetworkDeviceCreate(data: {hostname: {value: "atl1-edge1"}, model: {value: "Cisco ASR1002-HX"}}) {
object {
NetworkPhysicalInterfaceCreate(data: {name: {value: "Ethernet1"}, description: {value: "WAN interface"}, speed: {value: 1000000000}, device: {id: "atl1-edge1"}}) {
object {
NetworkLogicalInterfaceCreate(data: {name: {value: "Vlan1"}, description: {value: "SVI for Vlan 1"}, device: {id: "atl1-edge1"}}) {
object {

In the detailed view of the device in the Web UI, we can now see that the device has 2 interfaces, but they are of a different kind.

4. Improving our schema

Although the schema is already a close representation of what we wanted to achieve, there is still a few improvements we would like to make. For this we are going to make use of the schema migrations feature in Infrahub. More details can be found in the Schema topic.

  1. adding and mtu and enabled attribute on the generic NetworkInterface
  2. deleting the description attribute of the generic NetworkInterface
  3. setting a default value for the speed attribute of NetworkPhysicalInterface
  4. renaming the model attribute of a NetworkDevice to device_type
  5. add labels for all the attributes and relationships
  6. a unique constraint needs to be defined on the NetworkInterface generic on the name attribute and device relationship

We will be reusing the branch from the previous step.

Overwrite the contents of the schema_guide.yml file with this content:


You will have to grab the id of the model attribute of the NetworkDevice node from the schema page in the Web UI

version: "1.0"
- name: Interface
namespace: Network
- name: name
kind: Text
label: Name
- name: description
state: absent
kind: Text
optional: true
label: Description
- name: mtu
kind: Number
label: MTU
optional: false
default_value: 1500
- name: enabled
label: Enabled
kind: Boolean
optional: false
default_value: false
- name: device
label: Device
cardinality: one
peer: NetworkDevice
kind: Parent
optional: false
- name: Device
namespace: Network
default_filter: hostname__value
- name: hostname
kind: Text
label: Hostname
- name: device_type
label: Device Type
kind: Text
id: 17bcf8a7-9c03-4a6a-3295-c51345cb1c33
- name: interfaces
label: Interfaces
cardinality: many
peer: NetworkInterface
kind: Component
- name: PhysicalInterface
namespace: Network
- ["device", "name__value"]
- NetworkInterface
- name: speed
label: Speed (bps)
kind: Number
default_value: 1000000000
- name: LogicalInterface
namespace: Network
- ["device", "name__value"]
- NetworkInterface

Use the infrahubctl schema check command to validate the schema and to get a diff of the schema changes that will be performed

infrahubctl schema check --branch network-device-generics /tmp/schema_guide.yml
 schema '/tmp/schema_guide.yml' is Valid!
added: {}
added: {}
added: {}
added: {}
label: null
name: null
removed: {}
removed: {}
removed: {}
added: {}
enabled: null
mtu: null
changed: {}
description: null
removed: {}
added: {}
enabled: null
mtu: null
changed: {}
removed: {}
uniqueness_constraints: null
removed: {}
added: {}
enabled: null
mtu: null
added: {}
default_value: null
label: null
optional: null
removed: {}
removed: {}
uniqueness_constraints: null
removed: {}
removed: {}

Load the schema into network-device-generics branch in Infrahub

infrahubctl schema load --branch network-device-generics /tmp/schema_guide.yml

We can inspect the schema in the Web UI

Notice that besides the schema, also all the existing data in this branch has been migrated to adhere to the new version of the schema.