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Sync instance configuration file

The configuration file allows you to define the resources needs for the sync. The file should be formatted as a Yaml file, have the filename config.yml. During the generation phase, the Sync adapters, and models will be generated in the same folder.

The following settings can be defined:

Configuration fields

Describes the overall synchronization configuration.

namestringUnique identifier for the sync instance.Yes
storeSyncStoreConfiguration for the optional storage mechanism.No
sourceSyncAdapterConfiguration for the source adapter.Yes
destinationSyncAdapterConfiguration for the destination adapter.Yes
orderList of stringsSpecifies the order in which objects should be synchronized.Yes
schema_mappingList of SchemaMappingModelDefines how data is mapped from source to destination.Yes
skip_unmatched_sourcebooleanIf set to true, Source records will not be compared if they do not exist in the DestinationNo

Sync store

Optional configuration for a storage mechanism used for stateful synchronization.

typestringType of the store (for example redis).Yes
settingsDictionaryConnection details and other settings for the store.No

Source and Destination

Configuration for source and destination adapters.

namestringIdentifier for the adapter.Yes
settingsDictionaryAdapter-specific settings like url and token. If not provided, values will be loaded from environment variables.No

Schema Mapping

Defines the mappings from source to destination schemas.

Mapping models

namestringInfrahub model name to be mapped.Yes
mappingstringThe source's schema mapping (API) path.Yes
identifiersList of stringsFields used to uniquely identify an object.Yes
fieldsList of SchemaMappingFieldDescribes individual field mappings or transformations.Yes
filtersList of SchemaMappingFilterFilters you want to apply during the sync.No
transformsList of SchemaMappingTransformTransforms you want to apply during the sync.No
Mapping field
namestringName of the field.Yes
mappingstringHow the field is mapped from source to destination.No
staticAnyA static value to assign to the field, used if mapping is not provided.No
referencestringReference to another object in the configuration, used if direct mapping is not applicable.No
Mapping filters
fieldstringName of the source field to filter on.Yes
operationstringWhich filters will be applied on the field. Available operations are described below.No
valuestringThe expected value linked to the operation.Yes except for both is_empty and is_not_empty operation
Available filter operations
==Checks if the field value is equal to the provided value.
!=Checks if the field value is not equal to the provided value.
>Checks if the field value is greater than the provided value (after converting both to integers if necessary).
<Checks if the field value is less than the provided value (after converting both to integers if necessary).
>=Checks if the field value is greater than or equal to the provided value (after converting both to integers if necessary).
<=Checks if the field value is less than or equal to the provided value (after converting both to integers if necessary).
inChecks if the field value is within the provided list or string.
not inChecks if the field value is not within the provided list or string.
containsChecks if the provided value is contained within the field value.
not containsChecks if the provided value is not contained within the field value.
is_emptyChecks if the field value is None or empty. Does not require a value argument.
is_not_emptyChecks if the field value is not None and not empty. Does not require a value argument.
regexChecks if the field value matches the provided regular expression pattern.
is_ip_withinChecks if the field value (an IP address) is within the provided IP range using netutils.
Mapping transforms
fieldstringName of the target field.Yes
expressionstringA Jinja filter compatible expression.Yes