Menu definition file
A menu definition file allows you to control the layout and structure of the menu on the left side of the Infrahub web interface. More information can be found in the Controlling the menu guide.
The menu definition file is a YAML file that follows a particular structure or schema.
At the top of the file we define a bit of boilerplate statements, to define the version of the schema of the file and the kind of content that it contains. We also define a spec mapping with a data key.
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
kind: Menu
The value of the data key in the spec mapping, is a sequence (or list) of menu items.
A menu item is a mapping in which you can define the following key/value pairs:
Key | Type | Description | Mandatory |
name | string | the name of the menu item | ✅ |
namespace | string | the namespace of the menu item | ✅ |
label | string | the name of the menu item in UI | ❌ |
kind | string | selecting this menu item will take you to the list view of this schema node (this automatically sets the value for the path key to the correct value) | ❌ |
path | string | selecting this menu will take you to this path (URL) | ❌ |
icon | string | the icon of the menu item | ❌ |
order_weight | integer | controls the ordering of menu items (lower values are ordered first) | ❌ |
parent | string | a parent menu item (concatenated namespace + name) | ❌ |
children | sequence | list of nested menu items | ❌ |
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
kind: Menu
- namespace: Location
name: Mainmenu
label: Location
icon: "mingcute:location-line"
- namespace: Location
name: Country
label: Countries
kind: LocationCountry
icon: "gis:search-country"
- namespace: Location
name: Site
label: Sites
kind: LocationSite
icon: "ri:building-line"
- namespace: Infrastructure
name: Mainmenu
label: Infrastructure
icon: "mdi:domain"
- namespace: Network
name: Device
label: Devices
kind: NetworkDevice
icon: "mdi:router"
- namespace: Network
name: Interface
label: Interface
kind: NetworkInterface
icon: "mdi:ethernet"