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Running & writing tests for frontend

Before we start

If you have never run Infrahub tests before, we highly suggest following the frontend guide.

We're expecting to see proper tests for each feature/bugfix you make. If you're not sure how to write these tests, this page is made to help you get started.

Infrahub frontend has 3 types of testing:

E2E tests

Infrahub uses Playwright for e2e testing.

Folder structure

E2E tests are located in /frontend/app/tests/e2e.

Writing e2e tests

Playwright can automatically generate tests as you perform actions in the browser, making it a quick way to start testing:

npx playwright codegen

To run a specific test, substitute test with test.only, or use the --grep 'test name' CLI parameter:

test.only('test name', async ({ page }) => {
// or
npx playwright test --grep 'test name'

To disable a specific test, substitute test with test.skip:

test.skip('test name', async ({ page }) => {

Debugging e2e tests

To debug a test, you need to run tests in debug mode. You can pause script execution using:

await page.pause();

To continue, press 'Resume' button in the page overlay or call playwright.resume() in the DevTools console.

At the end of each test, all traces are saved for exploration in /frontend/playwright-report. You can open index.html in a browser or run npx playwright show-report.

You can find a tutorial on how to use Trace viewer GUI here.

Best practices

  1. Prioritize user-facing attributes and avoid selectors tied to implementation:
// ❌
page.locator("[href='/objects/CoreOrganization'] > .group")

// ✅
page.getByRole("button", { name: "Save" });
  1. Structure tests with steps for better readability:
# headless mode
npm run test:e2e

# non-headless mode (headed)
npm run test:e2e:headed

# Debug mode
npm run test:e2e:debug

# UI mode
npm run test:e2e:ui

Integration tests

npm run cypress:run:component

Unit tests

npm run test

# same with coverage
npm run test:coverage