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Inventory plugin


Nornir inventory plugin for integrating with Opsmill - Infrahub (

This plugin fetches inventory data from Infrahub, maps it to Nornir Hosts, and supports the creation of Nornir groups based on attributes or relations from Infrahub Nodes.


addressstrNo"http://localhost:8000"The Infrahub URL to connect to. Defaults to "http://localhost:8000".
branchstrNo"main"The Infrahub branch to use. Defaults to "main".
host_nodedictYesA dictionary defining the Infrahub Node kind that will be mapped to Nornir Hosts. Example: {"kind": "InfraDevice"}
schema_mappingslistYesA list of mappings that define how Nornir Host properties correspond to attributes or relations from Infrahub Nodes. Example: [{"name": "hostname", "mapping": "primary_address.address"}].
group_mappingslistYesA list of Infrahub Node attributes or relations used to create Nornir groups. Example: [""].
defaults_filestrNo"defaults.yaml"Path to the defaults YAML file. Defaults to "defaults.yaml".
group_filestrNo"group.yaml"Path to the group YAML file. Defaults to "group.yaml".


Basic usage of InfrahubInventory with Nornir.

from nornir import InitNornir
from nornir.core.plugins.inventory import InventoryPluginRegister
from nornir_infrahub.plugins.inventory.infrahub import InfrahubInventory

def main():
# Register the custom InfrahubInventory plugin
InventoryPluginRegister.register("InfrahubInventory", InfrahubInventory)

# Initialize Nornir with InfrahubInventory as the inventory plugin
nr = InitNornir(
"plugin": "InfrahubInventory",
"options": {
"address": "http://localhost:8000", # Infrahub API URL
"token": "06438eb2-8019-4776-878c-0941b1f1d1ec", # Infrahub API token
"host_node": {"kind": "InfraDevice"}, # Infrahub Node kind to map to Nornir Hosts
"schema_mappings": [
{"name": "hostname", "mapping": "primary_address.address"},
{"name": "platform", "mapping": "platform.nornir_platform"},
], # Mapping Nornir Host properties to Infrahub Node attributes
"group_mappings": [""], # Create Nornir groups from Infrahub Node attributes
"group_file": "dummy.yml", # Path to the group file

# Print Nornir inventory host and group names

return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
raise SystemExit(main())