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Create a custom API endpoint

As powerful as Jinja templates are, sometimes it’s both cleaner and simpler to work directly in code. The Infrahub transform endpoint lets you do exactly that. Where a Jinja2 transform combines a GraphQL query together with a Jinja template, the Transform operation combines a GraphQL query with code. You might use a Python Transform instead of one for Jinja2 when you need to return structured data as opposed to a classic text-based configuration file.

In the example repository infrahub-demo-edge we use a Transform to render a configuration in the OpenConfig format. In this example, we want to generate OpenConfig interface data. The URL to target looks like this:


Breaking it down into components gives us:

  • http://localhost:8000/api/transform/python: The base URL of Infrahub together with the transform endpoint.
  • OCInterfaces: The name of the transform.
  • ?device=ord1-edge1&branch=cr1234: The query string that provides a list of arguments for the GraphQL query. In this case only the name of the device. Together with branch to show that we want to run the transform against a specific branch within Infrahub.

Render the data by going to this URL (linked from the above example URL): Generate the OpenConfig interface data for ord1-edge1 on the branch cr1234