Schema validation
Infrahub requires the user to define multiple YAML files. One or more files defining the schema in Infrahub and the external repository configuration file.
To help with the process of creating and maintaining these files, we publish JSON schemas that allow you to validate the schema of these files.
Language server
To be able to validate a YAML against a schema, you need to install a language server. Which language server you can use is specific to your environment and the editor that you use. For Visual Studio Code we recommend that you install the Red Hat YAML Language server.
A language server is a software that helps an editor provide advanced language specific features like: code completion, refactoring, navigation, syntax highlighting, schema validation etc.
Schema validation for Infrahub schema files
The schema for Infrahub schema files is published at
To use this schema for validation, you have to add a modeline near the top, or the bottom of the schema file.
A modeline is a file specific configuration parameter that configures the editor with a specific behavior. In our case it configures the editor's language server to use the schema at the URL for schema validation.
This modeline can be used for Infrahub schema files.
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
An example in an Infrahub schema file.
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
- name: Test
namespace: Infra
Schema validation for Infrahub external repository configuration files
The schema for an Infrahub external repository configuration file is published at
To use this schema for validation, you have to add a modeline near the top, or the bottom of the repository configuration file.
A modeline is a file specific configuration parameter that configures the editor with a specific behavior. In our case it configures the editor's language server to use the schema at the URL for schema validation.
This modeline can be used for an Infrahub external repository configuration file.
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
An example in an Infrahub schema file.
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
- ./schemas/locations.yml
The schema of the Infrahub external repository configuration file has been published on JSON Schema store. It allows an editor, like Visual Studio Code to download the correct schema validation file. Visual Studio Code will automatically validate a file named .infrahub.y(a)ml
with this schema, if the Red Hat YAML Language server is installed.