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Managing API tokens

API tokens can be used as an authentication mechanism for Infrahub's REST- and GraphQL API, the Python SDK and infrahubctl.

Managing API tokens for users is, at this moment, only possible through the GraphQL API. In the future we will be adding support for managing tokens through the web interface.

Generating an API token for a user

  1. Login to Infrahub's web interface as the user for which the token should be generated
  2. In the GraphQL sandbox, execute the following mutation, replace the name of the token in the mutation with a value that is appropriate for your use case
mutation {
CoreAccountTokenCreate(data: {name: "token name"}) {
object {
token {
  1. The result of the query will show you the value of the token that was generated for the token. Store the token in a secure location, as there will be no way to retrieve the token from Infrahub at a later stage.

Listing existing API tokens for a user

  1. Login to Infrahub's web interface as the user for which you want to list the tokens
  2. In the GraphQL sandbox, execute the following query
query {
CoreAccountToken {
edges {
node {

Deleting an API token for a user

  1. Login to Infrahub's web interface as the user for which the token should be generated
  2. In the GraphQL sandbox, execute the following mutation, replace the id of the token in the mutation with the id of the token that you want to delete
mutation {
CoreAccountTokenDelete(data: {id: "17d8cde3-d36b-a0a3-370e-c51707234f19"}) {